
Why Do We Need Facilities Management Review At Design Stage Of Any Built Environment’s Life Cycle?

Facilities Management Review at Design Stage

A Facilities Management (FM) review at the design stage of any project is essential for several reasons:

Optimising Operational Efficiency:

By ensuring that the building or facility is designed in a way that optimises its long-term operational efficiency. This includes considerations for maintenance, energy usage, and space utilisation.

Cost Management:

Facilities management professionals can identify design elements that may lead to higher operational and maintenance costs over time. Making design adjustments early can result in cost savings during the facility’s lifecycle.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact:

FM experts can provide input on sustainable design practices, helping reduce the facility’s environmental footprint and operating costs. This may involve recommendations for energy-efficient systems, waste management, and eco-friendly materials.

Compliance and Safety:

Ensuring that the design complies with safety regulations and building codes is crucial. FM reviews can help identify potential safety hazards and ensure that the facility meets all necessary compliance standards.

User Experience:

Facilities management reviews consider the end-users’ experience. This includes aspects like accessibility, comfort, and usability, which can greatly affect occupants’ satisfaction and productivity.

Lifecycle Planning:

FM professionals can assist in developing long-term lifecycle plans for the facility, including strategies for renovations, upgrades, and replacement of equipment or systems. This proactive approach can extend the facility’s useful life and reduce unexpected expenses.

Integration of Technology:

In today’s smart buildings, integrating technology for security, energy management, and maintenance is crucial. FM experts can help ensure that the design accommodates these technological advancements.

Space Planning:

Efficient space utilisation is a key consideration in facility design. FM experts can provide insights into how spaces can be configured to maximise their utility and efficiency.


– HVAC Optimisation: suggest efficient HVAC zoning for energy savings.
– Insulation and Envelope: Improved insulation to cut heating and cooling costs.
– Space Utilisation: Flexible layouts and modular furniture for adaptable spaces.
– Accessibility and Safety: Compliance with accessibility and safety standards.
– Technology Integration: Smart sensors and automation for energy efficiency and BAS
– Maintenance Accessibility: Designing for easy equipment maintenance.
– Sustainability: Renewable energy sources and green landscaping. Like using Native Flora etc.

Long term OpEx optimisation needs to start early on with a perspective of operational ease and high efficiency.


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