
Understanding the Role of Project Management Companies in the UAE

Project Manager Responsibilities

A project manager is responsible for leading the project team, managing stakeholders, identifying and managing risks, communicating with all project stakeholders, and ensuring that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the desired level of quality. Project management companies in the UAE assist in streamlining the project design and development for businesses in real estate construction and other industries. 

Project management companies are responsible for the effective completion of a company’s most ambitious projects under a specified time and budget constraints. 

Role & Responsibilities of Project Management Companies in UAE

Here is a brief overview of the role and responsibilities of project management companies:

  • To oversee the on-site project development processes
  • To ensure the timely completion of the project under development
  • To make sure that the project is completed within the specified budget constraints
  • To improve the efficiency of the established project management processes
  • To streamline communication between teams and stakeholders associated with a project
  • To recommend cost-effective project management solutions that bring in the best ROI
  • To make quick decisions based on the changing project demands
  • To establish and maintain an open line of communication between the client and the project development teams

Services Offered by Project Management Companies in UAE

Design Management 

Project management processes begin with design development and management. Project managers are responsible for proposing viable designs and executing them per client expectations. 

Regarding real estate, design management is about developing functional and aesthetically pleasing designs that help meet the client’s needs best. 

Construction Management

Project management companies are responsible for managing the construction of the proposed designs by working with the teams assigned for the design construction. 

Construction management services offered by project management companies aim to ensure the highest quality standards throughout the project execution phase. 

Project management teams have the right connections to establish and monitor construction management processes to streamline project development.

Cost Management

Project managers are responsible for managing the costs of a project while keeping it within the specified budget guidelines. Project managers must minimise expenses during project development by using the available resources. During the project development phase, project managers keep track of the project expenses to ensure everything stays on track. They are also responsible for making timely decisions regarding project finances in case the project costs increase. 

Teams Management

Project management companies are responsible for streamlining collaboration between the different teams working on the project simultaneously. Project managers have the knowledge and experience required to manage the project effectively while ensuring the project’s timely completion. 

Rather, they develop processes that streamline accountability for different teams that enable them to stay on track during the project development lifecycle. 

Resources Management

Project management companies are responsible for the optimal usage of the financial and manpower resources available at their disposal. Resource management includes managing skilled labour and financial resources based on the client’s best interests. 

Resource management is one of the primary duties of a project management company. These companies set up systems to streamline the resource management processes. 

Progress Monitoring

Once the project is underway, the main part of the job for project managers is to keep track of the project’s progress. Project managers keep an eye on the project’s development to ensure everything is going as planned and by the deadline set by the client. 

Progress monitoring also helps ensure that the micro and macro project goals are being achieved per the time constraints. If the progress pace is not as expected, project managers tweak the established processes to streamline the progress. 

Documentations & Reports

Project management companies document the project from start to finish and create reports to show the project’s progress. Documentation and reporting are the primary responsibilities of a project management service. 

The reports contain details regarding what has been done in the project and the personnel involved. The report also states whether the project satisfies the client’s requirements or not. 

Streamlining Communication Across Stakeholders

Project managers are responsible for establishing a line of communication between stakeholders associated with the project. Project managers regularly meet with project teams and the client to establish the status quo. 

Project management often uses meeting calendars that serve as a deadline for project development teams. These calendars ensure that the project development teams work towards a shared vision according to the client’s expectations. 


Project management companies act to protect your best interests when it comes to undertaking a development project. Project managers offer you insights into project development process optimisation that you can use to improve the efficiency of the project development journey. 

Get in touch with Land Sterling to learn more about the role of project management companies in the UAE. 

  • Boundary Survey: Defines legal property perimeters according to land titles (e.g., Ejari or freehold).
  • Topography Survey: Maps land features like elevation for development planning.
  • Site Survey: Creates detailed plans for specific construction areas.

The cost of a land survey varies depending on the size and complexity of the property, the type of survey required, and the surveyor’s experience level. Contact your local land surveyor for a specific quote.pen_spark

Only licensed surveyors registered with the relevant authorities (e.g., Dubai Municipality or relevant Emirate Land Department) can conduct legal surveys used for official purposes. Licensed surveyors ensure accurate advice and legally recognized surveys critical for real estate transactions and construction projects.


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