
Defect Investigation

Defect investigation is identifying common flaws and developing solutions to rectify the problems. The process makes it possible to predict levels of deterioration of a building. This investigation also tracks the defect’s progress to predict when one may expect a particularly adverse outcome.

A defects investigator needs to understand the interplay between various materials used in building construction and the building’s environment. The critical relationship between materials includes how they are arranged alongside each other.

Investigation of defects defines root causes and action required to resolve the issue. Solutions suggested by investigating this nature should be effective enough to keep the problem from recurring. This process, therefore, helps you avoid the temptation to implement the easy, obvious short-term solution.

Why Do You Need Defect Investigation?

Investors put vast amounts of capital into construction. Defects in a building reduce its utility at best, and you may lose the building in the worst-case scenario. Loss of life is highly likely when buildings collapse.

Avoiding defects in the first place; prevention is better than cure. Nevertheless, flaws occur despite your best efforts and defects investigation is the best option when they do. It is a part of building and facility consultancy that saves you from the possibility of losing the building.

Common Defects Investigation Items
The following are some of the common areas where defect investigation focuses.

External Observation
External observation is when you look at the structure for clues. The investigation area includes the outer and inner walls, foundation, etc. It is through such observation that you notice cracks, irregular patches and other indications of defects. This observation may give clues as to the causes of those defects.

Depending on its design, some parts of the building may be difficult to reach for observation. Land Sterling uses drones and other technology to observe such parts, but the service charge remains reasonable.

Material Quality Analysis
You need to know whether low-quality or contaminated materials cause flaws in your building. Defects investigation includes processes such as analysing the material’s chemical composition. Other material testing considerations include hardiness, microstructure, tensile strength and impact strength.

Cross-Sectional Microstructure
This investigation applies when there are fractures or cracks in the building’s walls. It doesn’t analyse the fracture itself but the area surrounding the fracture. It is intended to study the impact of a fracture on the surrounding area.

Investigator evaluates which parts of the fracture’s structure affects and other telltale signs of the cause.

Fracture Surface Analysis
Unlike cross-sectional microfracture, fracture surface analysis focuses on the fracture, not its neighbourhood. It confirms the origin of the crack, its path and its structure. Furthermore, it is intended to show the path of the fracture.

The route the fracture takes is usually determined by the pressure that caused the fracture in the first place. In addition, the investigator may determine the number of vibrations cycles remaining until failure. Intervals between such cycles and their causes are also important to this investigation.

Failure surface analysis helps determine the severity of the defect.

Building Services Defects Investigations
Besides investigating structural defects, we investigate mechanical, lifts, public health and other defects. Defective building services can make a building uninhabitable or destroy it altogether.

Components of a Defects Investigation Report

We compile a report of our findings at the end of the defect investigation. It includes preliminaries such as the executive summary, terms of reference and introduction. There is also specific information on the building, including its description and classification.

Qualifications and specialities of the investigators also feature in the report. Other parts include documents provided by the client and applicable standards and codes. Finally, the report lists the general and systemic defects found in the building and their causes; it also recommends remedies.


Defect investigations play a crucial role in keeping a building usable. It is an in-depth analysis of flaws in the structure to identify real causes instead of treating symptoms. To achieve the desired results, investigators must get the relevant information.

Land Sterling building defect investigation. Improves quality, reduces defects, & reduces building and maintenance costs.

Get a quote for Defects Investigation.


How do I know I need defect investigation?
You know you need defects investigation when the building quality is below expectations structurally or functionally. If, for example, there are cracks or creaks, leakages, blockages or such other defects.

Can Land Sterling handle the repairs for me?
Land Sterling has a project management department that can organise and coordinate an effective team of professionals. This would ensure the building is rectified once and for all.

What are some of the hitech equipment Land Sterling uses in defect investigations?
Our team uses the latest technology, such as drones, to examine hard-to-reach parts of the building. Computer software for imaging and rendering also plays a vital role in the process. Other hi-tech equipment is found in material labs, where we assess the quality of materials.

Which experts conduct defects investigation?
Effective defects investigation requires a team of experts. The type of defect to be investigated determines the type of expert in the team. Civil engineers, fire engineers, material scientists, services engineers, lab technicians, project managers, etc.


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