Property Valuations

Healthcare & Education Valuation

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A Reliable & Experienced Team of Healthcare & Education Valuation

At Land Sterling, Healthcare & Education Valuation team delivers its quality services across the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. Our property valuation team in Dubai provides Healthcare & Education valuation services through competence, experience and excellence. Above all, our team delivers a fully-fledged valuation solution package in line with international standards and best practices.

A Reliable & Experienced Team of Healthcare & Education Valuation At Land Sterling, Healthcare & Education Valuation team delivers its quality services across the Middle East, North Africa and beyond. Our valuation team provides Healthcare & Education valuation services through competence, experience and excellence. Above all, our team delivers a fully-fledged valuation solution package in line with international standards and best practices.

Healthcare & Education Valuation | Land Sterling

Vinodh Mahadevan MRICS

Head of Business & Strategy